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Trekking al amanecer en el Monte Batur con guía privado.
Do this because
- Watch the sunrise from the top of Mount Batur
- Enjoy breakfast at the top as you soak up the view
- Take a private tour with hotel pick-up and an experienced trekking guide
Qué te espera
If you're up to some adventure in Bali, join this early-morning trek to Mont Batur's top!
You'll be picked up at your hotel at 2.00 am and head to Mount Batur. At the start point, you'll meet with your experienced local guide who will accompany you to the top of the Mount. At 4.00 am you'll begin the ascension of the Mount and trek for around 2 hours to reach the summit crater.
At the top, you'll watch the sunrise exploding into the skyline, and soak up the spectacular views of the caldera and Lake Batur! You'll enjoy your breakfast with a naturally boiled egg and have plenty of time to take pictures and videos of this natural beauty.
Around 8.00 am, you'll begin your descent to Toya Bungkah Village (one-hour walk) and stop to visit a coffee plantation. You'll be dropped off at your hotel around 2.00 pm.
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$ 70