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Scuba dive trip with transfer from Dubai
Do this because
- Enjoy a half-day scuba diving trip in Fujairah ideal for beginners and certified divers
- Learn how to use scuba equipment on your boat journey if you are new to diving
- Enjoy a thrilling first dive with an expert instructor by your side
Qué te espera
Enjoy a half-day scuba diving experience in Dubai with a certified instructor and soft drinks.
Be picked up in Dubai and reach Fujairah. Here, be prepared by your guide and wear the diving equipment, then board the boat and embark on your first coral reef dive. Follow the instructions of the expert so that even beginners can join this tour. On your first dive, explore one of Fujairah's famous dive locations. Then, take time to rest, and be transferred to your second coral reef dive of the day. Finally, enjoy the cruise back to the marina and be dropped off at your hotel.
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$ 148