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Desert safari on a quad bike and 4×4 jeep with dinner in Hurghada
Do this because
- Experience the magic of the desert on a quad bike
- Enjoy dinner in a Bedouin tent with performance
- Perfect for thrill-seekers who love the desert
- Lleva tu experiencia al siguiente nivel a bordo de un todoterreno 4x4
Qué te espera
This is the ultimate desert experience, and it all kicks off with an exhilarating quad bike ride along the sand dunes. But it doesn't end there, there's a 4×4 tour through the hills and a spider car ride for you to zoom across the desert plains.
You'll be picked up from your hotel by a Jeep and taken to the quad station to ride a quad bike for approximately 45 minutes. Afterward, you will enjoy a spider car ride for around 20 minutes in the desert.
After that, you'll drive to the Bedouin village, where you'll enjoy a short camel ride. Your guide will give you plenty of information during the Bedouin village tour. Next follows a drive back to the station, where you'll enjoy dinner while watching traditional dancing.
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$ 73
$ 61.2