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Recorrido de audio autoguiado por la historia del Bajo Manhattan
Do this because
- Follow your in-app audio tour and travel back in time to the period of New Amsterdam
- Catch up with New York's former Dutch past that ensured its American future
- Find out how much it cost the Dutch to purchase Manhattan from the Native Americans
Qué te espera
Take this in-app audio tour to reveal the history of the city, founded by the Dutch colonists in 1625 as New Amsterdam, to become the cultural capital of America, and the whole world.
You'll start the tour at the Friendship Monument to learn the New Netherland colony foundation plot in detail. Across the road, you will see the National Museum of the American native people, a place where Fort Amsterdam was located to defend the colony. Then, you'll promenade a riverfront of the time, Pearl Street. Here you will see the Fraunces Tavern, the oldest building in Lower Manhattan, built in 1719.
From there, you'll come to the first paved street in the city, the historic Stone Street, famous for its breweries. Around the corner, you'll spot the flamboyant step-gabled houses of South William Street to reimagine traditional Dutch architecture. You'll be amazed by what the busy Wall Street of today once was: a humble path along the defensive wooden fence. In its line, you'll be allured with the statuesque landmark, Trinity Church, once the tallest building in the city.
To round up, you'll walk the main road of the colony, today's Broadway, used by the Native Americans long before the Dutch arrived and chartered it.
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$ 15