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Queenstown Kea 6-line tour
Do this because
- See beautiful Queenstown and its surrounding areas
- Fly like a Kea and whizz down a mountain on a zipline!
- Bring the kids too! They'll love it!
Qué te espera
Kickstart your Kiwi adventure with the awesome Kea tour! Like this famous cheeky bird, you'll be whizzing through the forest canopy, getting a birds-eye-view of Queenstown, and the surrounding stunning lake and mountain views.
You'll finish the experience with the steepest zipline in the world - a zipline ride that descends 30 stories at speeds of up to 70 kph! This stunningly beautiful guided journey through native beech forest comprises of six amazing ziplines routes. The Kea tour is a truly unique way to get down the mountain and perfect for those seeking a higher adrenaline factor.
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$ 112