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Ocean flyer adults-only VIP cruise from Paphos
Do this because
- Relax with this adults-only VIP cruise from Paphos
- Sail on the luxury Ocean Flyer yacht
- Admire Coral Bay and the Akamas peninsula
- Discover unique swimming and snorkeling stops
- Enjoy a hot and cold buffet lunch on board
Qué te espera
If you've ever wanted to see how it feels to be a millionaire on sailing a yacht – then this is your opportunity. You'll sail from Paphos harbour onboard a luxury yacht for a day of sunbathing, swimming and cocktail sipping as you cruise along the west coast of Cyprus to Coral Bay, Akamas peninsula and its sea caves.
This adult-only VIP cruise has had every detail thought through for your ultimate relaxation. You'll be welcomed on board at Paphos harbour where you'll set off into the open sea following the alluring water and picture-perfect coastline to Coral Bay. Sit back with a cocktail from the open bar, and once the anchor is dropped, you'll be able to cool off in the crystal clear water.
The tour continues towards the Akamas peninsula passing and its famous sea caves, St George's Island and Lara Bay to find the perfect spot to enjoy a hot and cold buffet lunch with fresh fruit. Take another refreshing dip in the sea or try some snorkeling and canoeing, after which you'll return to Paphos as you dry off under the sun.
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$ 85