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River Cruises Collection: Melk Abbey
Do this because
- Visit the huge hilltop abbey that dominates Melk’s skyline.
- Part of our River Cruises Collection - A handpicked line-up of highly rated shore experiences, especially for our river cruise customers.
- All experiences in our River Cruises Collection include pick up from the ship, by an experienced local guide, who will give you all the need-to-know information about the places you visit.
Qué te espera
Today, you’ll get to visit the huge hilltop abbey that dominates Melk’s skyline. The UNESCO-rated Melk Abbey rivals Vienna’s Schonbrunn Palace with its lavish Baroque interiors. A 10-minute bus journey will get you to the rocky outcrop the sprawling building calls home. Then you’ll head inside for an hour-long guided tour, followed by some free time. You can learn about the Benedictine monks who have lived and worked in the abbey for more than 900 years. Or simply admire the rich ceiling frescos in the grand ballroom and main library. The latter is famous for its 100,000-strong collection of ancient books – some of which are 500 years old. There’s also an entire room full of mirrors, with four gold statues in each corner. Once you’ve finished having a look around, you’ll be taken back to the ship.
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$ 51