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Lecce private walking tour with food tasting
Do this because
- Explore a jewel of Salento on a private tour
- Discover the history of this southern baroque city
- See Piazza Duomo, the Roman theater and more
Qué te espera
Visit Lecce on a private tour and discover the gems of this city hidden in the maze of streets of the old center. Lecce is the capital of Lower Salento or, as it was called a long time ago, Terra d'Otranto. It's a Baroque city, famous for the surprising architectural richness of its noble palaces.
The guided tour takes place through the narrow streets of the historic center between 17th and 18th-century buildings and baroque churches. You will see the monuments of greatest historical and artistic interest that are part of the history of Lecce, such as Piazza Duomo, the Roman theater, the Roman amphitheater, Piazza Santo Oronzo, the basilica of Santa Croce.
At the end of the tour, you will be offered a gastronomic tasting to conclude the visit by savoring the local specialties.
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$ 99