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Famous people in Brussels city exploration game and tour
Do this because
- Learn about the secrets of the seventh art with the Lumiere brothers
- Discover the location of the former prison where Karl Marx was incarcerated
- Try a new type of experience, the perfect mix between a tour, outdoor escape game, and treasure hunt
- Explore Maison Du Roi, Hotel Amigo, Jacques Brel Sculpture, and other lesser-known places
Qué te espera
Discover the famous people of Brussels by solving challenges and unlocking stories on your phone leading you to new places and amazing stories.
Start the game at Maison Du Roi. It will take you between 1 to 1.5 hours to complete and you can also explore at your own pace: pause the game and resume anytime from the location where you paused it. You will finish at the Marie Curie Sculpture.
Play an engaging exploration game, taking the role of an indebted student who gets the opportunity to compete in a mysterious gameshow for 10,000 euro.
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$ 5