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Boleto de entrada con audioguía a la iglesia de San Benito de Catania
Do this because
- Visit the St. Benedict's Church part of the namesake female cloistered convent
- Admire an example of late Baroque architecture
- Discover some of the most beautiful frescoes in town
Qué te espera
If you are travelling to Catania, you can't miss the chance to visit the St. Benedict's Church, situated in via Crociferi.
Your ticket will give you access to the ruins of a Roman domus, found under the monastery, belonging to the original Roman settlement from 679 B.C.; to the 18th century parlour, where the nuns met their visiting relatives; to the staircase of Angels, the monumental main entrance to the St. Benedict church, with 8 angels statues by Nicolò Mignemi; and to the St. Benedict church.
Discover this example of late Baroque architecture that belongs to the St. Benedict Monastery, a female cloistered convent, which still houses nuns today.
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$ 6