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Visita guiada a la experiencia del patrimonio de Chipre desde Paphos
Do this because
- Marvel at the breathtaking view of the Rock of Aphrodite, a stunning natural wonder and a must-see attraction in Cyprus.
- Discover the ancient history of Kourion Archaeological Site, where you can witness impressive ruins, including a well-preserved amphitheater and intricate mosaics.
- Step into the medieval times with a visit to the impressive Kolossi Castle, a fascinating fortress with a rich history and stunning architecture.
- Immerse yourself in the traditional Cypriot culture with a visit to Omodos village, known for its charming architecture, quaint streets, and delicious local wine.
- Indulge in a relaxing wine tasting experience, where you can sample some of Cyprus's finest wines while soaking up the picturesque surroundings.
Qué te espera
Embark on a memorable journey through Cyprus with this exciting excursion! Begin with a photo stop at the iconic Rock of Aphrodite, where legend says the goddess of love emerged from the sea. Next, explore the ancient Kourion Archaeological Site, where you can witness the stunning Greco-Roman amphitheatre and mosaics. Then, step back in time at the impressive Kolossi Castle, a former Crusader stronghold. As the day winds down, head to the charming village of Omodos, known for its traditional architecture and delicious wine. Enjoy a relaxing wine tasting and soak up the peaceful surroundings before returning home with memories to last a lifetime.
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$ 50