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Cena de Adviento y Navidad y crucero con música en vivo en Budapest
Do this because
- Relax on a Christmas cruise and sail down the Danube river listening to live music
- Admire the illuminated landmarks creating a special Christmas feeling
- Enjoy the dinner menu and an open bar with festive drinks
Qué te espera
This beautiful cruise on the Danube river will be an unforgettable highlight of your trip to the capital of Hungary!
Feel the Christmas spirit on board of a luxury riverboat with holiday decorations in Budapest and glide through the city on a 2-hour cruise! Sail down the river Danube, admiring Budapest’s historic panorama illuminated at twilight. The Panorama of Budapest is not only an unforgettable experience but an illustration of the capital's history. The banks - added to the World Heritage List of UNESCO - offer one of the world's most outstandingly beautiful urban cityscapes.
As you cruise, watch the city drift by at twilight, and settle in for a romantic candlelight atmosphere. Listen to live music and enjoy the dance show performed by members of the Kodály Zoltán Awarded Rajkó Folk Ensemble. To spice things up, feast on a buffet dinner of authentic Hungarian holiday food and enjoy the soft-open bar with festive drinks included.
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$ 126