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Bali Quad Bike ATV Ride in Ubud Countryside
Do this because
- Bali ATV Ride starts in Ubud area along rice fields, small rivers and local residents, you can stop to take photos, visiting Local Balinese House and enjoy the natural scenery. This experience trip will be guided by reliable and experience Instructor.
Qué te espera
ATV driving starts in Ubud area along rice fields, small rivers, forest and local residents, you can stop for a while to take photos and enjoy the natural scenery and also you can stop by visiting the local Balinese house where is the bali house have unique texture and concept. This experience trip will be guided by reliable and experienced instructors, making you more comfortable and safe.
Experience the excitement of driving a powerful automatic 250 cc ATV in the center of Bali's most amazing countryside for 1.5 Hour. Bali ATV Ride Activities are daily activities, dry season or rain is a challenge that you have to go through.
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