Sarapiqui River Raft Ride Ticket & Lunch
It's all about getting up-close to Costa Rican nature on this tour. Set off on a half-day raft ride down the Sarapiqui River, stopping to watch riverbank wildlife on the way. Cruising quietly through jungle waterways, you're in with a chance of seeing the likes of exotic birds, sloths and iguanas, before a local-style lunch rounds off the day.
sarapiqui-esDuration upto 4 Hours Disponible en: En CONFIRMACIÓN AL MOMENTO Cancelación gratuitaDesde: $87.29 -
Sarapiqui River White Water Rafting Experience
Take on nature's own roller-coaster ride with a Sarapiqui River whitewater rafting experience. This wild waterway has fast-flowing rapids that'll rush you around corners, and sedate stretches where you can watch riverbank wildlife, too. And in between, there's a tropical fruit buffet break, plus a chance to cliff-jump into the water for a swim.
sarapiqui-esDuration upto 4 Hours Disponible en: En CONFIRMACIÓN AL MOMENTO Cancelación gratuitaDesde: $70.64
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