Two-day Lake Cheow Lan with Overnight at Boutique Camp – from Phuket
The virgin landscapes of Khao Sok National Park are so mesmerising that they deserve two days to explore them. This excursion allows you to immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of Lake Cheow Lan – the park's centrepiece – and wake up in the misty mountains after overnighting in the Khaosok Boutique Camp.These two days are a nature-lover's dream. Jungle trekking, coral cave exploring, swimming and river canoeing are just some of the activities you'll experience. The secluded wildlife sanctuary of Khao Sok National Park is home to innumerable species of exotic flora and fauna. And your knowledgeable local guide will fill you in as you journey around this tropical wonderland.You'll have lunch in a floating restaurant, enjoy a bamboo raft ride through the rainforest, and visit Wat Bangriang temple. And then you have the pleasures of the Boutique Camp. More glamping than camping, it comes complete with a comfy bed, hot showers and an excellent kitchen. This is Thailand at its most untamed.
Phuket, TailandiaFlexible Disponible en: En CONFIRMACIÓN AL MOMENTO Cancelación gratuitaDesde: $461.00 -
Visita guiada a Khao Phing Kan con paseo en canoa y almuerzo
Únase a este tour de un día completo en bote de cola larga y visite la isla James Bond. Explore un pueblo flotante en la isla Panyee, la cueva de los monos, y nade en la cueva Talu.
Phuket, TailandiaDuration upto 1 Disponible en: En CONFIRMACIÓN AL MOMENTO Cancelación gratuitaDesde: $75.00 -
Western Phuket Boat Cruise
Phuket, TailandiaDuration upto 8 Hours Disponible en: En CONFIRMACIÓN AL MOMENTO Cancelación gratuitaDesde: $99.00
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