Kuusamo Husky Sleigh Driving
If there's one way to travel in Lapland, then it has to be by husky. Hop on a sleigh pulled by these hard-working Arctic dogs and you'll whizz through enchanting snow-capped scenery while putting a big tick on your bucket list.
kuusamo-esDuration upto 4 Hours Disponible en: En CONFIRMACIÓN AL MOMENTO Cancelación gratuitaDesde: $177.00 -
Kuusamo Reindeer Ride with Barbecue
Watch the winter wonderland glide by as you sit back on a traditional wooden sledge and let the reindeer take the strain, pulling you steadily through the snowy Lapland landscapes. Take some time to explore the snow-bound surroundings before warming up around the campfire where you can try your hand at cooking sausages over the fire and swap Santa stories.
kuusamo-esDuration upto 2 Hours Disponible en: En CONFIRMACIÓN AL MOMENTO Cancelación gratuitaDesde: $83.00 -
Kuusamo River Floating
With water temperatures dropping below -30°C, Ruka-Kuusamo's icy rivers are made for adventures - and this one is truly unique. Before getting started, you'll be kitted out with drysuits, helmets and life vests to keep you safe and dry. Once you're ready, lay back and let the stream gently carry you along the surface like an air mattress. Soak up the tranquillity as you listen to the sounds of nature before warming up with a hot drink at the end.
kuusamo-esDuration upto 4 Hours Disponible en: En CONFIRMACIÓN AL MOMENTO Cancelación gratuitaDesde: $98.00 -
Kuusamo Snowmobile Night Tour
kuusamo-esDuration upto 4 Hours Disponible en: En CONFIRMACIÓN AL MOMENTO Cancelación gratuitaDesde: $221.00
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