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Excursión de un día a Kairouna, El Djem y Monastir desde Mahdia
Do this because
- Visit Kairouan, El Djem, and Monastir in a day
- Discover El Djem's Amphitheater and Monastir Medina
- Enjoy hotel pick-up from your hotel in Mahdia
Qué te espera
Visit three iconic cities of Tunisia in a day on this full-day trip to Kairouan, El Djem, and Monastir from Mahdia!
After pick-up at your hotel, you'll hit the road to reach your first stop, Kairouan. This purely Arab-Islamic city is known for its carpet manufacturing and features many religious buildings and fabulous relics.
Next, you'll drive to the Roman city of El Djem and its amphitheater, a symbol of the Roman Empire's grandeur and opulence.
Your trip continues to Monastir, a typical Tunisian coastal city where deep history sits side by side with modern amenities. You'll discover the principal attractions such as the Mausoleum, Ribat, Marina, and Medina.
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$ 64