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River Cruises Collection: Mainz City Tour & Gutenberg Museum
Do this because
- Visit the Gutenberg Museum – one of the oldest printing museums in the world.
- Enjoy a guided walking tour of Mainz.
- Part of our River Cruises Collection - A handpicked line-up of highly rated shore experiences, especially for our river cruise customers.
- All experiences in our River Cruises Collection include pick up from the ship, by an experienced local guide, who will give you all the need-to-know information about the places you visit.
Qué te espera
You’ll meander through the heart of Mainz on this trip, walking from landmark-to-landmark as you go. The main attraction’s the Gutenberg Museum – one of the oldest printing museums in the world. Early presses, reconstructed workshops and copies of the famous Gutenberg Bible are all on the cards. These were some earliest books ever printed, and there are less than 50 still in existence. The next stop’s just over the road at Mainz Cathedral – a grand Romanesque structure that’s been around for more than a thousand years. To cap things off, you’ll visit the pillar-like memorial in the centre of the multi-coloured marketplace.
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$ 23