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The grand tour jeep safari from Ayia Napa, Protaras and Larnaca
Do this because
- Explore the ethnic villages of Lefkara and Lofou
- Embark on an exciting 4x4 adventure in Cyprus
- Immerse yourself in nature by trekking through the Mesa Potamos forest
Qué te espera
Enjoy a 4x4 on-road/off-road adventure through the landscapes of Cyprus, visit the hidden villages and meet the locals!
You’ll explore the ethnic villages of Lefkara and Lofou, famous for their traditional architecture, silverware and hand-made lace.
You’ll then take a short mini-trek through the Mesa Potamos forest where you’ll admire a mountain waterfall with ice-cold water cascading down a rocky cliff. Finally, you’ll taste a traditional lunch with freshly prepared local dishes including vegetarian options and served with wine, water, and lemonade. Don't forget to bring your camera!
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$ 88